Category: Compliance 

Date: August 24, 1999

Reviewed/Revised: April 2013


To allow employees access to an anonymous mechanism for requesting review of documentation or coding compliance issues that may need investigation and/or correction.


Access to a computer on the EVMS Medical Group campus with connection to the EVMS Intranet is necessary to utilize this hotline. If a computer is not readily available for you to use in your department, some are located in the computer lab in the Brickell Medical Library. You will need to show your EVMS ID to gain access to the computer lab.

  • With the computer terminal on, use the mouse to move the arrow to either the Netscape or Microsoft Internet Explorer icon. Double click on the chosen icon with the mouse using the left finger button. This will bring up the Internet function.
  • Using the mouse, move the arrow to the Address box and click with the left finger button to highlight the current address. Type . This brings up Eastern Virginia Medical School Intranet Pages.
  • With the mouse, move the arrow to Compliance and click. Then choose EVMS Medical Group Hotline and click. This brings up the EVMS Medical Group Compliance Hotline Center reporting document.
  • You may request confidentiality by moving the arrow to the small box and clicking with the mouse.
  • You will see a box for you to enter a password of your choosing. This password will be unique to your report. Please enter a password of 6 characters. Write down the password so that you will be able to return to the Compliance page and read the results of the investigation into your request.
  • Name is not required. You may type in your name, if you wish. You may use either the mouse or the Tab key to move to the next boxes in the document.
  • Department is required to do a proper investigation of your request. Please type in your department name.
  • In the large box, type in detail the situation that you wish to report. Please be as specific as possible. Remember to use the mouse or Tab key to continue to the next section of the document.
  • Answer the next questions as appropriate. Please remember, the more information you give us about the situation, the more thoroughly we can investigate.
  • We encourage you to record your password before you send your request so that you may return to this site to see the progress of the investigation. It may be necessary for us to have additional information. We will only be able to contact you through this site using the password. You may also use this password to add to the information you have already given.
  • Using the mouse, click on SEND YOUR REQUEST. This will forward the document to the EVMS Medical Group Compliance Office. ** Please Note** A box will pop up warning that by sending this message your e-mail address can be traced. This is a standard Microsoft warning. We do not have the ability to trace e-mail. If you are truly concerned, please use a computer in the library computer lab.

Please use the following procedure to access the results of the investigation into your request. You may use your password in two days to verify that we have received your request. It may take several weeks to complete the investigation.

  • With the computer terminal on, use the mouse to move the arrow to either the Netscape or Microsoft Internet Explorer icon. Double click on the chosen icon with the mouse using the left finger button. This will bring up the Internet function.
  • Using the mouse, move the arrow to the Address or Location box and click with the left finger button to highlight the current address. Type (the password you chose).htm. example: This will bring up the document that contains a summary of the investigation results.
  • If we need further information from you, it will be requested at this site.