Category: Privacy

Date: March 2003

Reviewed/Revised: April 2013


It is the policy of EVMS Medical Group to verify the identity of any individual requesting access to protected health information.


  1. Employees of EVMS Medical Group are to request identification from any person requesting protected health information if the identity or the authority of the person is not known to the employee.
  2. Employees of EVMS Medical Group are to obtain any documentation, statements or representations from the person requesting protected health information. The documentation, statements or representations can be either verbal or written. The decision to release protected health information can be made based upon written documentation if it is signed and dated by the individual making the request.
  3. EVMS Medical Group may rely on the following as verification of identity when the release of protected health information is being requested by a public official:
    1. If the request is made in person, the person provides an ID badge, official credentials or other proof of status.
    2. If the request is in writing, the letter is written on the appropriate government letterhead.
    3. If the request is made by another person on behalf of a public official, a written statement on appropriate letterhead or other evidence or documentation such as a contract for services, memo or purchase order that establishes that the person is acting on behalf of the public official.
    4. An oral statement of legal authority if a written statement would be impractical.
    5. If the request is made in the form of a warrant, subpoena, order or other legal process issued by a grand jury or other judicial body

