Why a wheelchair clinic?

  • Recommendations from a physical/occupational therapist or a physician referral are required.
  • Medicare will approve only one wheelchair every five years.
  • Medicare requires face-to-face mobility exam by a physician.
  • Adults in Hampton Roads have limited opportunity for physician evaluation, EVMS has started the wheelchair clinic to address the need in the community.
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What we offer

Wheeled mobility can be one of the most critical needs faced by patients with a physical disability. It can be the difference between isolation and independence. We provide a face-to-face mobility exam by a PMR physician who has experience in fitting wheelchair needs with specific medical related disabilities. The evaluation will include, but not limited to:

  • Cardiopulmonary exam
  • Musculoskeletal exam (arm and leg strength and range of motion)
  • Explanation when a less-costly alternative will not meet in-home mobility needs (cane, walker, manual wheelchair)
  • Neurological exam (gait, balance, coordination)
  • How a powered mobile device (PMD) will help with at least one of the patient's activities of daily living (ADLs) within the home
  • Height and weight recommendations for specific disease processes
  • An evaluation for a replacement chair and assistance with insurance appeal and/or grievance for a chair that is not the right fit
  • Referral to a physical therapist with training in specific wheelchair measurement skills if appropriate
Shot of a young nurse caring for a senior woman in a wheelchair