EVMS honors faculty and staff for service and outstanding achievement

Story Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2012 14:55:00 EST

EVMS handed out its top awards for faculty and staff and recognized long-term employees Nov. 14 at the 2012 EVMS Service & Recognition Awards Ceremony.

The overall outstanding achievement award for faculty went to John D. Ball, PhD, Professor of Psychiatry, while the top staff award honored Deborah A. Taylor, Director of Information Technology. Nearly 400 people were on hand for the evening celebration at the Norfolk Waterside Marriott.

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Charter employees Sandy Huband, left, and Pat Williams, PhD, celebrate at the ceremony. They began at the medical school prior to its opening in 1973.


For the first time, the school had two employees celebrate 40 years of continuous service with the institution. These "charter" employees were employed before the school opened in 1973. As a show of appreciation, EVMS presented travel vouchers to Patricia Williams, PhD, Professor of Pharmacology; and Sandra Huband, Department Administrator, Physiological Sciences.

Other award honorees for 2012:

• Alfred Z. Abuhamad, MD, Professor and Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dean's Faculty Award for Achievement in Institutional Service;

• Craig S. Derkay, MD, Professor and Vice Chair of Otolaryngology, Dean's Faculty Award for Achievement in Mentoring;

• Elena V. Galkina, PhD, Assistant Professor of Microbiology and Molecular Cell Biology, Dean's Faculty Rising Star Award;

• Lasarian A."Toni" Hall, Sleep Technologist, EVMS Sleep Medicine, President's Staff Rising Start Award;

• Linwood A. Hall, Anatomy Technician, Pathology and Anatomy, President's Staff Award for Collegiality;

• David A. Johnson, MD, Professor of Internal Medicine and Chief of Gastroenterology, Dean's Faculty Award for Achievement by Community Faculty;

• Neel K. Krishna, PhD, Associate Professor of Microbiology and Molecular Cell Biology;

• Kimberly R. Moloney, Diabetes Nurse Educator, Strelitz Diabetes Center, President's Award for Community Service;

• Rose A. Mwayungu, Admissions and Enrollment Manager, School of Health Professions, President's Staff Award for Excellence;

• Drucie A. Papafil, Director of Continuing Medical Education, President's Staff Award for Integrity.


Go here for a complete list of employees who achieved a service milestone this year, measured in five-year increments.