Don't let diabetes cut you out, know your risk factors.
You are at a higher risk for Type 2 diabetes the older you are.
Men are more likely than women to have undiagnosed diabetes; one reason may be that they are less likely to see their doctor regularly, but for woman who have developed gestational diabetes while pregnant have a higher risk of developing prediabetes and later Type 2 diabetes. Women who gave birth to a baby weighing more than 9 pounds are also at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.
Family history:
A family history of diabetes means you're genetically vulnerable, and higher risk for diabetes.
People of certain racial and ethnic groups — including blacks, Hispanics, American Indians and Asians — are more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes than others.
High blood pressure:
Having high blood pressure (over 140/90mm Hg) contributes to your overall risk.
Being inactive and not getting regular exercise can increase your risk for Type 2 diabetes.
The combination of your weight and height is your Body Mass Index or BMI. People with higher BMIs are at a higher risk since the more fatty tissue you have, the more resistant your cells become to insulin.
Unhealthy eating:
Diets high in saturated fats, salts, sugar and white flour can lead to diabetes, strokes and/or heart attacks.
If you think you may have diabetes, please consult with your physician and get yourself tested. To receive an information packet or to schedule an appointment at EVMS Strelitz Diabetes Center, call 757.446.5908.