Infertility advances at the Jones Institute
Assisted reproduction technology ( ART ) cycles performed at the Jones Institute have resulted in the birth of thousands of babies. Our success rates in in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and related techniques, coupled with our caring environment, provide an exceptional setting for infertile couples to undergo diagnosis and treatment. Our multidisciplinary approach provides patients with a formidable team of highly qualified physicians, nurses, counselors, and laboratory personnel to assess individual needs.
Our patients also take comfort in knowing that the Jones Institute is supported by prestigious research and training programs that are at the core of our operation. Our clinical and research staff is comprised of full time academic, clinical, and basic scientists whose sole goal is to provide state - of - the - art diagnosis and therapy to overcome diseases that cause infertility.
Over the last two decades there has been an explosion of knowledge in basic reproductive biology and in the clinical success of assisted reproductive technologies. Many of the advances were achieved by the Jones Institute scientists and physicians. We take great pride in our unwavering commitment to patient care, research, and innovation that has assisted thousands of couples become parents. Our dedication to excellence speaks for itself in the following accomplishments:
- First IVF birth in the United States ~
The first IVF baby in the United States was born at the Jones Institute. This child was also the first in the world born as a result of a stimulated gonadotropin cycle. The ability to induce the development of multiple eggs was a major breakthrough that has allowed thousands of otherwise infertile couples to produce healthy children. - Use of gonadotropins ( FSH ) in IVF ~
The Jones Institute conducted groundbreaking research in the clinical applications of pituitary gonadotropins ( Pergonal ) to induce the development of multiple follicles for use in intrauterine inseminations ( IUI ) and in vitro fertilization ( IVF ). The results of this original research are still in general use throughout the world, with additional new hormonal preparations developed. - Development of new techniques ~
The Jones Institute pioneered many new techniques, such as embryo cryopreservation and intracytoplasmic sperm injection ( ICSI ) . ICSI was a major advance in the treatment male infertility. - Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis ( PGD ) ~
We developed a successful pre-implantation genetic diagnosis program that allows couples who could potentially transmit severe or lethal genetic diseases to their offspring to achieve their goal of having a healthy child. In 1994 we reported on the first PGD case for Ty Sachs disease resulting in delivery of a healthy child. - Fertility Preservation ~
Semen and egg/empryo cryopreservationare now routinely offered to patients with diagnosis of cancer or others who want to preserve fertility for social or other reasons.
Since our inception, the Jones Institute has been an active and prolific leader of scientific advances in infertility treatment worldwide with outstanding contributions to the specialty of reproductive biology. We continue to seek innovative ways to improve infertility treatments. Our unique combination of proven clinical protocols and advanced research and development techniques provides an unmatched environment for treating infertility and providing compassionate care for our patients.