2021 Winning Submissions
We are delighted to announce the results of our 2021 Open Call, which was held from March through May 2021 to engage the community in an open dialogue about providing Comprehensive Sex Education as a component of the Family Life Education curriculum for school-age youth in local schools and communities.
We received 34 submissions from 37 individuals, including school-age youth, parents, teachers and other community members.
All submissions were screened for eligibility by the organizing team. The 34 submissions were evaluated by a group of 18 independent judges who represented diverse sub-populations, including clinicians, researchers, teachers/faculty, middle school and high school students, parents, and other community members.
Each submission was scored by a team of six judges, with a member from each sub-population. An average score from the judging teams was used to rank the submissions for prizes using the judging criteria.
Prizes Awarded:
- 6 gold medals ($200 each)
- 11 silver medals ($100 each)
- 5 bronze medals ($50 each)
The voices and ideas identified through this Open Call are truly exceptional and powerful.
Winning Submissions
The voices and ideas identified through this Open Call are truly exceptional and powerful! We would like to send out a big thank you to our volunteer steering committee, judging team, and everyone who participated or contributed to this effort.