Categorical Track Overview
Residency training at CHKD combines formalized educational sessions, curriculums, pathways, and exceptional clinical experiences with a diverse patient population spanning the breadth of pediatrics.
In the 2021-2022 academic year, as a member of the ACGME pilot pertaining to “X + Y” Immersion Scheduling in Pediatric Residency, we initiated “X + Y” scheduling with the hypothesis that outpatient continuity could be maintained or improved while inpatient handoffs would be reduced. We use the “6 + 2” variation of this model with ‘X’ representing the number of inpatient and ‘Y’ representing the alternating and call free, ambulatory and continuity weeks. Annual paid vacations (15 workdays) are provided with efforts made for three full weeks. In addition, annual holiday vacations (5 days) are provided around Christmas or New Year's holidays.