Boards and Bites
- APD (Dr. Scott Vergano) reviews Board material and test-taking strategies bi-weekly in a small group setting
- interactive sessions guided by residents' needs in ABP content areas
- dinner provided
Quality Improvement Series
- acquaints residents with industry-recognized methods, tools and resources (IHI Open School)
- offers collaborative sessions to design and implement resident-driven QI projects
- mentorship from the CHKD QI team
- assists in fulfilling the ACGME QI project requirement
Medical Code and Skills Workshop
- review PALS guidelines, code management and communication in a small group setting
- offers high fidelity simulation to reinforce proficient and confident actions during actual code situations
- strengthens multidisciplinary teamwork among nursing, pharmacy, respiratory therapy, chaplains and security
- common skills rehearsed:
- IO placement, intubation, umbilical line placement, lumbar puncture, suturing, code carts, medication administration, etc.
Senior Breakfast
- peer debrief among PL2's and 3's facilitated by APD (Dr. Rupa Kapoor)
- shared experiences related to advanced non-clinical leadership skills
- leading a team, giving difficult feedback, conflict resolution, self development
Journal Club
- generate clinically based questions from choice professional journal articles
- one-on-one faculty mentorship to glean practical insights and answers
- develops professional presentation skills