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Research Day 2023 Information and Instructions

Plans are underway for EVMS Research Day 2023, which will be held on Friday, October 20 from noon-5:00 PM. This notice will outline what you need to know about participating in this year’s event.

Important Links - Application materials and more information can be found in two places:

We are excited to announce that this year’s event will be entirely in-person. There will be no online content this year. Presenting a poster in-person is how you participate in Research Day. There is no virtual option for participating in Research Day. If you submit an abstract, you will be expected to print a poster and present it in-person on the afternoon of Friday, October 20. Mark your calendars!

Event Details

 Keynote and Platform presentations

    • Streamed live
    • Waitzer Hall Room 300
  • Poster presentations
    • Traditional in-person poster format, with two sessions
    • Waitzer Hall Rooms 100 and 200
    • All poster presenters will participate in a live, in-person poster session held on the afternoon of October 20.
    • All Research Day materials, including the application and abstract forms, will be submitted via REDCap (
      No emailed submissions will be accepted
    • As in years past, abstracts will still be used to select the platform presenters

 Specific steps Research Day 2023 applicants will need to take:

  1. Submit Research Day application form and abstract – access and submit via REDCap
    NO LATER THAN 11:59 PM on September 5, 2023
    1. Check with your research mentor in advance to make sure he/she approves of the abstract submission. Mentor approval must be obtained prior to submitting an application and abstract for Research Day presentation. Another student may NOT be a mentor.
      NOTE: Do not wait until the last minute to begin coordinating with your mentor.
    2. Other abstract requirements:
      1. All abbreviations and acronyms must be defined upon first use in the abstract
      2. Abstracts and posters are to be submitted and presented by the abstract’s first author, who MUST be a trainee. Faculty may not submit an abstract as first author. Two investigators/students may not “share” a poster presentation.
      3. An investigator/student may submit more than one scientifically distinct abstract as a first author. An investigator/student may be listed as an author on more than one abstract. NOTE: The first author must present all posters for which an abstract is submitted. There will be two sessions, so it will be possible to present two posters comfortably.
      4. Only individuals who have made a significant contribution to the work should be listed as authors. The mentor must consider the contributions of all authors when determining the % effort of the first author. Data in the abstract must represent the work performed primarily by the first author. A single author, listed with 100% effort on a project, may not be listed as a co-author on another project.
    3. All submitted abstracts and poster presentations that follow these guidelines will be accepted. Do not wait for an abstract acceptance or confirmation before preparing your poster presentation as one will not be forthcoming. Begin preparing your poster presentation as soon as possible.
    4. Abstracts and presentations for case reports have specific guidelines that must be followed and are provided on MyPortal and REDCap. Submissions that do not follow the Case Report Guidelines will be returned with feedback. If the abstract deadline has not passed, a small amount of time MAY be given for making corrections. Thus, early submissions are recommended.
  2. If selected for a platform presentation, accept within 2 days of email notice and begin preparing for live oral platform presentation. Notices will be sent around September 25.
  3. Prepare your poster following the Instructions for Printing your Research Day Posterthis step is for everyone.
      1. Submit your digital poster to print shop for printing – deadline for discount printing October 13th, 2023.
      2. See Instructions for Printing your Research Day Poster for more details.
  4. About two weeks before the event, additional information and a reminder will be sent to all participants.
  5. Attend the live event on Friday, October 20, beginning at noon. Prior to the event, all poster presenters will receive an email with more information about the in-person poster session.

In addition to the original Research Day awards, we are excited to announce the addition of two new awards.
Award nominations are due 12:00 Noon on September 7, 2023.

  • Early Career Research Excellence Award
    The EVMS Early Career Research Excellence Award will be presented each fall at EVMS Research Day to honor and recognize early career researchers or clinician scientists who have exhibited a significant contribution to their discipline through widely disseminated and impactful research relatively early in their academic careers.
  • Excellence in Research Mentorship Award
    The Excellence in Research Mentorship Award will be presented each fall at EVMS Research Day to one mid-career or senior member of the EVMS faculty who has exhibited robust excellence in research mentorship. The purpose of the award is to recognize the accomplishments of EVMS faculty who have demonstrated exceptional mentoring in research to junior faculty, fellows, post-docs, and/or student trainees. The recipient will receive a $500 monetary stipend and a commemorative award.

 Research Day 2023 Important Dates:

  • August 7 – call for abstracts released
  • September 5 – deadline to submit application and abstract via REDCap
  • September 25 – notification of individuals selected for a platform presentation
  • October 13 – deadline to submit poster for discount printing
  • October 20 – Research Day with in-person and live streamed platform presentations and in-person poster session

 Direct all questions to: