Brock Institute’s database of EVMS community health projects now online

Story Date: Thu, 02 Jan 2014 14:34:00 EST

After months of design, data collection and interdepartmental coordination, the M. Foscue Brock Institute’s Database for Community and Global Health Projects has been activated on the EVMS website and is open to the public.

The database was developed in accordance with the Brock Institute’s founding principles of establishing and promoting community health initiatives, experiences and research at the local, state, national and global level. The database will track ongoing projects and partnerships here at EVMS, as well as internally maintain data on projects that have ended or are on hiatus. Such EVMS-affiliated or managed community health projects can take the form of community service, service learning, clinical service and/or research and scholarship.

The aim of the database is to serve as a resource both internally at EVMS and to the public with the goal of promoting new and continuing community-oriented partnerships, informing users of EVMS’ current community efforts and, most importantly, encouraging participation in EVMS’ community health efforts. 

While the full dataset will be maintained internally at the Brock Institute, the database’s web interface is publicly available for user browsing and querying.  Each project’s page contains general information about the project, including a description, its location and scope of service, grant funding sources, participant eligibility, community and project partners, and contact information for those interested in learning more about the project or initiative.  For those interested in submitting a project for inclusion in the database, a survey link has been included on the database’s home page.

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