Andrology Laboratory

Male factor infertility is a contributing factor in approximately 45% of infertility cases. Therefore, the male partner should receive a thorough evaluation by a laboratory experienced in diagnosing male factor infertility.

The Jones Institute Andrology Laboratory, established in 1980, is one of the premier laboratories in the United States designed exclusively for clinical laboratory evaluations of male infertility. It was one of the first reproductive laboratories in the nation to achieve certification by the Health Care Financing Administration mandated by the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA - 88).

We continuously research new methods of evaluating male infertility, are familiar with the most recent discoveries in the specialty, and use the most updated methods / techniques of evaluation and performing laboratory tests. Many methods currently utilized in other laboratories were discovered in our Jones Institute laboratories.

Our program is one of the few in the country employing a full-time PhD andrologist devoted solely to semen analysis, sperm cryopreservation, and male factor infertility research. Since 1980, we have performed thousands of semen evaluations for Jones Institute patients and others throughout the world.

We consider every evaluation as unique as the patient being evaluated. We use our experience and expertise to insure that our methods and results are as updated, accurate, comprehensive, and informative as possible. Our reports are accompanied by an interpretation useful for clinicians and patients, as well.

Our laboratory director, Mahmood Morshedi, PhD, HCLD, CTBS, has been with the Institute since 1989. He has published numerous studies in scientific journals and is an authority on male infertility and laboratory evaluations for male infertility.

Additional services provided by the cryopreservation laboratory include sperm cryopreservation, providing donor sperm, cryopreservation of various other tissues, and long term storage of tissues (including sperm) cryopreserved elsewhere.

Sperm Bank

The Andrology Laboratory operates a separate comprehensive sperm/tissue cryopreservation laboratory as well as a donor sperm program to assist couples who desire to have children through artificial insemination using a sperm donor (AID).

Our donor program began in 1985 as one of the first cryopreservation laboratories in the United States to achieve CLIA certification. We offer sperm cryopreservation services:

  • for patients with cancer
  • for men before vasectomy
  • or men who have undergone vasectomy reversal and are under evaluation for scar formation and blockage
  • for men receiving treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy, which may affect their reproductive systems
  • for absent husbands of spouses undergoing infertility treatment
  • for men who simply want to preserve their sperm for future use

These services offer couples the hope of having children in the future even if the male partner's ability to produce viable sperm is impaired. We also provide services for the long term storage of various samples cryopreserved elsewhere. Our special vapor phase storage facility is the best system available for preventing cross contamination of various samples that may be positive for infectious diseases.